I'm dilated to almost a 2!! Yippee! You may be thinking to yourself, "A 2? That's it???" Compared to what I've been dilated to the last two weeks, a 2 is awesome! It totally made my day. Speaking of making my day, Dr. Leavitt put me on the induction list for next Tuesday!!! So the latest little Madelyn will arrive is next Tuesday. I am SO excited! It gives me so much hope. The end is definitely in sight. I haven't gained weight for a couple weeks now which is also awesome.
I had contractions all last week, mostly at night. Robert and I stayed up a couple of nights timing them. One night, after timing them for a couple of hours, we decided we were too tired to have a baby that night, so we decided to go to bed. And sure enough, they were gone by morning. I figure if they get bad enough to be real they would probably wake me up.
I've been having contractions all morning, so who knows...we may have this baby sooner than next week! If anything happens, I'll make sure we bring the lap top to the hospital so Robert can keep everyone updated. Wish us luck!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pregnancy Update:
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Spencer!!
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Week 37
I went to the Dr. again today. Nothing has changed. I'm only dilated about a finger tip which I guess equals about a cm. I'm 40% enfaced which is good. Things are moving along! I didn't gain weight and my blood pressure is great. My group B strep test came back negative which is awesome! I don't have to have penicillin pumped into my IV which BURNS like crazy!!! So I'm VERY grateful for that! I asked the PA if there was anything I could do to get this moving along, but she told me if they knew that they would be very rich. She just suggested I take walks but to stay hydrated. All in all, kind of a boring post. Sorry everyone! I have to keep busy, so if anybody wants to get together, PLEASE call me!!! : ) Love you all!
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 9:57 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I Have a Problem
I can't stop buying things for Madelyn!!! I remember doing the same with Spencer but there are just so many MORE things to buy for a little girl!!! It doesn't help that everything for little girls is too dang cute, too. For example: I bought these shoes at the GAP on Saturday. I can't wait til she can wear them!Has anyone else had this problem???
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 12:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Silly Little Boy
After Spencer woke up from his nap on Saturday, he went through his closet and found his Halloween costume from last year. Of course he HAD to put it on! So here are some pictures of our little monkey: Saturday afternoon, I went out shopping and found this awesome suit at Penny's. So Sunday Spencer looked like a little missionary! He was SUPER cute! We just had to take some pictures, but that little stinker wouldn't look at the camera. Poor Robert tried so hard to get him to smile for a picture, but he just wouldn't smile and look at the camera at the same time!
Here he is before we fixed his crazy hair!
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 2:16 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Happy Belated 4th of July!
Yeah for the 4th of July!!! We had such an awesome time!!! My mom, dad, and brother, Andrew, all came out to help us celebrate. The actual 4th was awesome. Mom, dad, Spencer, and I all went to the parade that morning while Robert and AC started setting up on the river. We like to start saving our place early so we have the best view. After the parade we got some lunch and stopped by to check on Rob and AC. We came by later to pick them up to go to our niece, Taylor's birthday party. After the party, we picked up Mom and Dad and headed to the river. They had a grill set up by our spot so we ate yummy hamburgers and settled down to watch the fire works. They were amazing! Melaleuca always does a GREAT job!
Saturday, we all decided to take a drive up to Mesa Falls. It was beautiful. After we walked by the falls, we decided to drive on to West Yellowstone. We ate a late lunch and walked around some shops before we decided to head for home.
Sunday was Sunday. Mom and Dad helped us in Primary by teaching the Sunbeams. Boy am I one lucky girl to have such willing parents. They are the best!!!!
Monday, we went to Jackson Hole. Mom and I shopped around while Dad, AC, and Spencer played in the square. They even rode on the stage coach! How awesome! We were all pretty tired after a long day in Wyoming so we ate some supper at Texas Roadhouse and went to bed. It was so much fun having my family in town! It makes me wish that we all lived closer to each other. Maybe someday my parents will build that cottage in Rigby that they've always wanted! I can only hope! I'll post some pictures of all our fun later!
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Week 36
That's right! We have finally reached the 36 week mark! That means that if the baby were to be born right now, she would be considered full-term. Personally, I live for this point in the pregnancy. That and the actual delivery. I go to the Doc again on Monday where he'll do the Group B Strep test, yuck, and check to see how far things have progressed, if at all. I had Spencer at 39 weeks so hopefully Madelyn will come a tad early as well. I'm sort of torn though, I really want to see her cute face, but I also want her to get nice and fat in my belly so she's even cuter! Do you know what I mean??? Also, it's a heck of a lot easier taking care of her while she's relaxing in my belly. She doesn't cry or whine. She just wiggles around to let me know she's alright. I can totally handle that! Plus, this pregnancy hasn't been awful. I DO have a two year old to keep me busy this go round which has made the time absolutely fly by! Hopefully the next couple weeks will zoom past us too.
Robert and I were talking and we decided that I can't have the baby next week. It's Robert's last week of class this semester which means finals and papers are due. So if I had the baby, poor Rob would still have to commute to Rexburg everyday. Then Friday, Robert's going rafting with his boss so I can't have her then. Saturday is the Melaleuca picnic so I definitely can't miss that...Sunday is our friend's farewell so I better be at that. Spencer's 2nd birthday is on the 23rd and he would never forgive me if I had the baby then. Our friend Julia is having a baby shower on the 26th and I really want to go to that so....I'm aiming for the 2nd of August or maybe even the 8th so her birthday can be 8/8/08! Hopefully with all this stuff going on the weeks will FLY right by! Wish me luck!!!
Posted by Robert Sullivan at 8:13 PM 1 comments