Thursday, February 28, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Well, we're off! My parents came into town for my birthday this week and they've talked me into coming back to Florida for a few days. So Spencer and I will join my mom and fly back to good ol' St. Cloud for a while. Robert will be a bachelor for a few days, which he claims he's not looking forward to. But I think we all need some quiet time to ourselves every once in a while. I really wish he was coming with us, but he has to work.

I just thought I'd update a little before we left. Everyone is doing great! Rob is looking for a daytime position at Melaleuca. Everyone pray that he gets one. He's been working nights (1pm-10pm) for about 2 years now so it's time for a change. What stinks is that he works with some really awesome people that I would hate to lose touch with but I guess we all have to move on sometime. But we'll see how the job thing goes... By the time I get home from Florida, it will almost be time to find out what we're having. That's right everyone! MARCH 13th!!! Mark your calendars!!!!! You know I will post pictures as soon as we get home. We go in at 9:30am so check around 11am Mountain Time. We love you all and hope everyone is awesome!


Rebecca said...

Oh i feel sooooo bad i forgot to tell you happy birthday the other day!!!!
it was the 27th right?
happy birthday rachel!!!