Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good times in the tub...

Bath time is a fun time at the Sullivan home. Here are a couple of pictures from the other night:

Madelyn and Spencer have a hard time looking at the camera when the flash is on. But I just love Mady's face in this one.

Like Madelyn's newest trick? She's discovered she can reach forward, grab the infant side of her tub and pull herself up! Silly girl...

Spencer wanted a picture all by himself, but that Madelyn just loves the camera!

The silliest kids in the world, but boy, do we love them!!!


Clint, Mel & Kids said...

I love little naked bums! They are sooo cute!

Rebecca said...

I guess great minds think alike. or should I say great wonderful and spunky people do?!!

JHarris said...

Your kids are too cute! Madilyn is just trying to be like her older brother and stand up and walk because she loves him!

Hillman Family said...

They are two of the cutest kids EVER!

Sebreros Family said...

i love these! they are so cute :) they look a lot a like... wow. hey i need your email address cuz my blog is private now :)